Once again I've been lazy about posting in this weblog... but I haven't had anything to say lately anyway. Also, a lot of my time has been taken up by working on the
The Black Gate. I want to add new content at least once or twice a month. Right now it's slow going though, because the pages I'm currently working on contain basic information about the dark side of Middle-earth, and that requires some research in order to ensure accuracy. It also makes for boring writing (though, I would hope, not boring reading) because it requires minimal creativity on my part... in a way, it's almost like writing a report for school. But I felt it was necessary to include such information for those visitors who might have come to the site looking for it.
I just found out that
Mordor - The Land of Shadow may have to close down due to lack of funding. Ring Lord Rules, the webmaster, has posted a notice about this on his news page, the
Palantir. He is requesting donations in order to not have to shut his site down. Anything you can give will be greatly appreciated, so if you don't want this excellent dark Tolkien site to disappear forever please make a contribution now!