Finally, something to complain about...
Recently I said that since my
promotion I haven't had anything to bitch about for a while. Well, I spoke too soon.
A while ago one of the managers asked me to put in a ticket to have some computers moved from the north side of our office to the south side. You have to put two tickets in, actually... one to Corporate Real Estate, and one to the Help Desk, or as I like to call it, the Helpless Desk. There were three computers not in use on the north side, and they were to be set up in a group of cubicles in the area where I sit, for the use of associate employees, so they could go online during their breaks. Associates, unlike managers (and acting managers, like myself) do not have internet access at their workstations, because that's the way the company wants it. But at our old office we had a computer lounge, so that's what this was meant to become.
Anyway, I put those tickets in, and a month later it still wasn't done, so I called the Helpless Desk and they told me someone would be up that following Monday. Surprisingly enough, someone actually did come on Monday, and I showed her where the computers were to be moved. But before we moved them, I decided to check with the CCM (Call Center Manager, a manager on a higher tier than the one who requested I have the computers moved), because the area the computers were being moved to is very close to her office and I was sure she would have a problem with that. She acted like she knew exactly what was going on, but I made damn sure I explained it anyway; that the computers were for the reps to have internet access on their breaks. And she seemed perfectly OK with that.
Now it's a week or so later & no one seems to have told any of the reps that they can use these computers for internet access. The computers are just sitting there, after I went through all that trouble, and no one is using them. So yesterday I decided I would take it upon myself to send an email out to our entire office in order to inform the reps that we now have some off-network computers set up so they can go online. But coward that I am, I figured I'd better check with the CCM before I did this.
I should've just sent the damn email out, because now she tells me, "Well, I don't know if I want all these people coming back here..." So what the fuck did she think was going to happen when I explained what we were doing a week ago? Did she expect us to move these computers and then not tell anyone they could use them, or only tell a select few? Or maybe, as
Witchking suggested when I told him this story, she just hadn't been listening to me before.
Anyway, we ended up using a training room for this purpose, which already had working computers in it, so there was really no need to move any computers at all. In fact, we ended up using the very room that I and several other people had suggested we use in the first place, back when our office had first moved to its new home.
That's Corporate America for you.