The Mouth of Sauron
Diary of a Tolkien Fiend
Sunday, December 18, 2005
  Blog Search
Time to introduce a new regular feature I plan to... well, include regularly: Blog Search! Yes, when I'm bored and have nothing better to do I sometimes use Blogger's search engine to look for posts on other blogs about stuff I'm interested in. So here's what I found today:

LOTR Flash Videos from

Eye of Sauron found in deep space

Alan Lee, and a rewrite of "The Mouth of Sauron"

Political Correctness further permeates the mainstream....

How the Witch Came to New England: Intro. to The Three Sisters, in progress, Notes from The Land of The Dead
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The rider was robed all in black, and black was his lofty helm; yet this was no Ringwraith but a living man. The Lieutenant of the Tower of Barad-dur he was, and his name is remembered in no tale; for he himself had forgotten it, and he said: 'I am the Mouth of Sauron.' J.R.R. Tolkien


My LotR stuff
Lawsuit against New Line settled
Finally, something to complain about...
Cool Matrix screensaver
I've always wanted a job title with the word "Mast...
Life After "The Lord of the Rings"
Saul Zaentz sues New Line Cinema over LOTR Trilogy!
Well, I'm back at last. I would've posted sooner b...
Once again I've been lazy about posting in this we...
I just found out that Mordor - The Land of Shadow ...


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